I have the most elaborate, detailed, ridiculous dreams almost every night. I used to be able to remember the details of my nightly mental excursions, but as I get older I can't remember a darn thing. I can hardly remember things I have done during the day, much less my night musings. Anyway, whenever I have a dream I can remember, I'll give you a sneak peak into the crazy worlds I experience and adventures I have while I'm laying unconscious upstairs in my Cary townhome. Fun times, let me tell you. BTW, Inception was a great movie, but it kind of freaked me out. Yes, I have had a dream within a dream. FREAKY!
Here's the first dream I'll share with you...
Back in high school, I participated in something called Junior Miss. First, let me stop your thought process and tell you that it is NOT a beauty pageant although it sure sounds like one. This was a scholarship pageant that was judged based on grades, an interview (off stage and on), physical fitness, poise, and talent. I will start off by saying that I am so glad that I participated because I truly had a great time with the girls that were in the program and it was a very unique experience. However, the experience of Junior Miss somehow haunts me because I dream about it often and it has been somewhere around 11 years since I participated.
In my recurring Junior Miss dream, I am always struggling with my talent. The actual talent I performed was a flute solo of Music of the Night from Phantom of the Opera. In my dream, it is usually about five minutes before I am supposed to perform and I either have no idea what my talent is going to be, have lost or left my flute at home, or I'm trying to practice and I have totally forgotten how to play it (yes, it had to be memorized). This is way too much stress for a person that is sleeping! I usually wake up in a panic and am so thankful that I am 11 years on the other side of that pageant. When I drift back to sleep, I am usually standing back stage trying to figure out what I am going to do. Eventually, my mind shifts to something else altogether and I find myself flying (not in a plane) or falling down a hole like Alice in Wonderland. Crazy, I know, but entertaining.
Do you have any recurring dreams that you want to share?
I can't think of any crazy reoccurring dreams but I absolutely love that song. The Phantom suite was one of my favorites to play either solo or with an ensemble.